Use Waveprop to simulate SHPB test

Simulate a test with Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars, assuming the sample has purely elastic behaviour.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from elwaspatid import WP2, BarSet

Define material parameters.

E = 201e9  # Young modulus [Pa]
rho = 7800  # Density [kg/m3]

SHPB bar configuration

b_kolsky = BarSet([E, E, 0.8*E, E], [rho, rho, rho, rho], [.6, 3, .05, 3.1],
                   [0.028, 0.030, 0.025, 0.030], nmin=4)
testk = WP2(b_kolsky, nstep=400, left='free', right='free', Vinit=5)
  • Force [N]
  • Velocity [m/s]
  • Displacement [m]


Setting initial velocity of first segment (Vo=5)

Get force at both ends of sample (segment index iseg=2)

f1, v1, x1, ind1 = testk.getSignal(x=0, iseg=2, plot=False)
f2, v2, x2, ind2 = testk.getSignal(x=0.05, iseg=2, plot=False)

Plot forces in the sample to see the buildup of equilibrium in the sample.

plt.plot(testk.time*1e6, -f1/1000, '-', label='left')
plt.plot(testk.time*1e6, -f2/1000, '-', label='right')
plt.xlabel('time [µs]')
plt.ylabel('force [kN]')
plot 4 SHPB

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.235 seconds)

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